StiGMaToPiA Servers
Shop command list: [ASE] PvP Trios 20x
Adv Rifle Bullets (250x) | Price: 75 | /buy turretammo |
Advanced Sniper Bullet (250x) | Price: 100 | /buy sniperammo |
Flamethrower Ammo (250x) | Price: 250 | /buy flameammo |
Shocking Tranquilizer Dart (100x) | Price: 75 | /buy shock100 |
Simple Shotgun Ammo (250x) | Price: 75 | /buy shotgunammo |
Tranq Arrow (100x) | Price: 30 | /buy tranq100 |
Tranquilizer Dart (100x) | Price: 45 | /buy darts100 |
Gold coin | Price: 1 | /buy goldcoin |
Platinum coin | Price: 100 | /buy platcoin |
XP potion | Price: 200 | /buy xp_potion |
XP potion (For Dinos) | Price: 400 | /buy xp_dino_potion |
Auction house 1 Gold coin | Price: 1 | /sell sellahcoingold |
Auction house 1 Platinum coin | Price: 100 | /sell sellahcoinplat |
Artifact Of Chaos x1 | Price: 240 | /buy artifact_chaos |
Artifact Of Growth x1 | Price: 240 | /buy artifact_growth |
Artifact Of The Brute x1 | Price: 240 | /buy artifact_brute |
Artifact Of The Clever x1 | Price: 240 | /buy artifact_clever |
Artifact Of The Crag x1 | Price: 240 | /buy artifact_crag |
Artifact Of The Cunning x1 | Price: 240 | /buy artifact_cunning |
Artifact Of The Depths x1 | Price: 240 | /buy artifact_depths |
Artifact Of The Destroyer x1 | Price: 240 | /buy artifact_destroyer |
Artifact Of The Devious x1 | Price: 240 | /buy artifact_devious |
Artifact Of The Devourer x1 | Price: 240 | /buy artifact_devourer |
Artifact Of The Gatekeeper x1 | Price: 240 | /buy artifact_gatekeeper |
Artifact Of The Hunter x1 | Price: 240 | /buy artifact_hunter |
Artifact Of The Immune x1 | Price: 240 | /buy artifact_immune |
Artifact Of The Lost x1 | Price: 240 | /buy artifact_lost |
Artifact Of The Massive x1 | Price: 240 | /buy artifact_massive |
Artifact Of The Pack x1 | Price: 240 | /buy artifact_pack |
Artifact Of The Shadows x1 | Price: 240 | /buy artifact_shadows |
Artifact Of The Skylord x1 | Price: 240 | /buy artifact_skylord |
Artifact Of The Stalker x1 | Price: 240 | /buy artifact_stalker |
Artifact Of The Strong x1 | Price: 240 | /buy artifact_strong |
Artifact Of the Void x1 | Price: 240 | /buy artifact_void |
Boss Summon kits
All Island Broodmother Alpha Tribues | Price: 1500 | /buy boss_summon_kit_isl_brood |
All Island Dragon Alpha Tribues | Price: 2500 | /buy boss_summon_kit_isl_dragon |
All Island Megapithecus Alpha Tribues | Price: 1500 | /buy boss_summon_kit_isl_mega |
All Islands Tek cave Alpha Trophies | Price: 7500 | /buy boss_summon_kit_isl_asc_alpha |
All Islands Tek cave Beta Trophies | Price: 4500 | /buy boss_summon_kit_isl_asc_beta |
All Islands Tek cave Gamma Trophies | Price: 3000 | /buy boss_summon_kit_isl_asc_gamma |
All Ragnarok Alpha Tribues | Price: 4500 | /buy boss_summon_kit_rag |
All Rockwell Alpha Tribues | Price: 3000 | /buy boss_summon_kit_abr_rockwell |
All The Center Alpha Tribues | Price: 3500 | /buy boss_summon_kit_center |
All Valguero Alpha Tribues | Price: 4000 | /buy boss_summon_kit_valguero |
All Wyvern Queen Alpha Tributes | Price: 4000 | /buy boss_summon_kit_crystal |
Blood pack (25x) | Price: 15 | /buy bloodpack |
Filled Canteen | Price: 15 | /buy water |
Lesser Antidote | Price: 50 | /buy antidote |
Medical brew (10x) | Price: 100 | /buy medbrew |
Mindwipe Tonic | Price: 30 | /buy mindwipe |
Narcotic (100x) | Price: 15 | /buy narcotic100 |
Stimulant (100x) | Price: 15 | /buy stimulant100 |
Dinos (Neutered)
Neutered Level 300 Deinonychus | Price: 700 | /buy deinonychus |
Neutered Level 380 Fire Wyvern | Price: 1700 | /buy firewyvern |
Neutered Level 380 Ice Wyvern | Price: 1700 | /buy icewyvern |
Neutered Level 380 Lightning Wyvern | Price: 1700 | /buy lightningwyvern |
Neutered Level 380 Magmasaur | Price: 2000 | /buy magmasaur |
Neutered Level 380 Poison Wyvern | Price: 1700 | /buy poisonwyvern |
Neutered Level 380 Rock Drake | Price: 1900 | /buy rockdrake |
Neutered Level 380 Voidwyrm | Price: 3000 | /buy voidwyrm |
Neutered Level 380 Zombie Fire Wyvern | Price: 2000 | /buy zombiefirewyvern |
Neutered Level 380 Zombie Fire Wyvern | Price: 4000 | /buy breedzombiefirewyvern |
Neutered Level 380 Zombie Lightning Wyvern | Price: 2000 | /buy zombielightningwyvern |
Neutered Level 380 Zombie Poison Wyvern | Price: 2000 | /buy zombiepoisonwyvern |
Neutered Level 449 Aberrant Megalosaurus | Price: 750 | /buy megalos |
Neutered Level 449 Aberrant Paraceratherium | Price: 850 | /buy para |
Neutered Level 449 Aberrant Parasaur | Price: 300 | /buy parasaur |
Neutered Level 449 Amargasaurus | Price: 2000 | /buy amarga |
Neutered Level 449 Andrewsarchus | Price: 3500 | /buy andrew |
Neutered Level 449 Anglerfish | Price: 600 | /buy angler |
Neutered Level 449 Ankylosaurus | Price: 500 | /buy anky |
Neutered Level 449 Argentavis | Price: 500 | /buy argi |
Neutered Level 449 Arthropluera | Price: 600 | /buy arthro |
Neutered Level 449 Astrodelphis | Price: 4500 | /buy astro |
Neutered Level 449 Basilosaurus | Price: 600 | /buy basilo |
Neutered Level 449 Beelzebufo | Price: 600 | /buy beelzebufo |
Neutered Level 449 Bloodstalker | Price: 1500 | /buy bloodstalker |
Neutered Level 449 Bulbdog | Price: 200 | /buy bulbdog |
Neutered Level 449 Carbonemys | Price: 500 | /buy carbo |
Neutered Level 449 Carcharodontosaurus | Price: 6000 | /buy carchar |
Neutered Level 449 Carnotaurus | Price: 500 | /buy carno |
Neutered Level 449 Castoroides | Price: 500 | /buy casto |
Neutered Level 449 Crystal Wyvern (Blood) | Price: 2000 | /buy bloodwyvern |
Neutered Level 449 Crystal Wyvern (Ember) | Price: 2000 | /buy emberwyvern |
Neutered Level 449 Crystal Wyvern (Tropical) | Price: 2000 | /buy tropicalwyvern |
Neutered Level 449 Daeodon | Price: 450 | /buy daeodon |
Neutered Level 449 Desmodus | Price: 3500 | /buy desmodus |
Neutered Level 449 Dinopithecus | Price: 2000 | /buy dinopit |
Neutered Level 449 Direbear | Price: 500 | /buy direbear |
Neutered Level 449 Doedicurus | Price: 500 | /buy doed |
Neutered Level 449 Ferox | Price: 2000 | /buy ferox |
Neutered Level 449 Fjordhawk | Price: 3500 | /buy fjordhawk |
Neutered Level 449 Gacha | Price: 970 | /buy gacha |
Neutered Level 449 Gasbag | Price: 650 | /buy gasbag |
Neutered Level 449 Giganotosaurus | Price: 5000 | /buy giga |
Neutered Level 449 Ichthyosaurus | Price: 400 | /buy ichthy |
Neutered Level 449 Maewing | Price: 900 | /buy maewing |
Neutered Level 449 Mammoth | Price: 500 | /buy mammoth |
Neutered Level 449 Managarmr | Price: 2000 | /buy managarmr |
Neutered Level 449 Mantis | Price: 800 | /buy mantis |
Neutered Level 449 Megalodon | Price: 600 | /buy megalodon |
Neutered Level 449 Megatherium | Price: 1000 | /buy mega |
Neutered Level 449 Ovis | Price: 500 | /buy sheep |
Neutered Level 449 Procoptodon | Price: 500 | /buy proco |
Neutered Level 449 Pteranodon | Price: 400 | /buy ptera |
Neutered Level 449 Quetzalcoatlus | Price: 1500 | /buy quetz |
Neutered Level 449 R-Carbonemys | Price: 700 | /buy rcarbo |
Neutered Level 449 R-Giganotosaurus | Price: 6000 | /buy rgiga |
Neutered Level 449 R-Quetzalcoatlus | Price: 2000 | /buy rquetz |
Neutered Level 449 R-Velonasaur | Price: 1000 | /buy rvelonasaur |
Neutered Level 449 Ravager | Price: 500 | /buy ravager |
Neutered Level 449 Rex | Price: 1000 | /buy rex |
Neutered Level 449 Rock Elemental | Price: 2000 | /buy rockelemental |
Neutered Level 449 Roll Rat | Price: 500 | /buy rollrat |
Neutered Level 449 Shadowmane | Price: 2000 | /buy shadowmane |
Neutered Level 449 Sinomacrops | Price: 2000 | /buy sino |
Neutered Level 449 Snail | Price: 600 | /buy snail |
Neutered Level 449 Snow Owl | Price: 850 | /buy snowowl |
Neutered Level 449 Spinosaur | Price: 1000 | /buy spino |
Neutered Level 449 Stego | Price: 500 | /buy stego |
Neutered Level 449 Terror Bird | Price: 500 | /buy terrorbird |
Neutered Level 449 Therizinosaur | Price: 800 | /buy theri |
Neutered Level 449 Thylacoleo | Price: 500 | /buy thyla |
Neutered Level 449 Triceratops | Price: 500 | /buy trike |
Neutered Level 449 Troodon | Price: 1500 | /buy troodon |
Neutered Level 449 Tropeognathus | Price: 2500 | /buy tropeognathus |
Neutered Level 449 Tusoteuthis | Price: 1000 | /buy tuso |
Neutered Level 449 Velonasaur | Price: 800 | /buy velonasaur |
Neutered Level 449 Woolly Rhino | Price: 500 | /buy rhino |
Neutered Level 449 X-Mosasaurus | Price: 1200 | /buy mosa |
Neutered Level 449 X-Tapejara | Price: 600 | /buy xtape |
Neutered Level 449 Yutyrannus | Price: 1000 | /buy yuty |
Neutered Level 500 Phoenix | Price: 7000 | /buy phoenix |
Neutered Level 538 Tek Parasaur | Price: 500 | /buy tekparasaur |
Neutered Level 538 Tek Quetzalcoatlus | Price: 2200 | /buy tekquetz |
Neutered Level 538 Tek Rex | Price: 1500 | /buy tekrex |
Neutered Level 538 Tek Stego | Price: 750 | /buy tekstego |
Dinos (UnNeutered)
Level 200 Fire Wyvern | Price: 975 | /buy lowfirewyvern |
Level 200 Ice Wyvern | Price: 975 | /buy lowicewyvern |
Level 200 Lightning Wyvern | Price: 975 | /buy lowlightningwyvern |
Level 200 Magmasaur | Price: 1400 | /buy lowmagmasaur |
Level 200 Managarmr | Price: 1000 | /buy lowmanagarmr |
Level 200 Poison Wyvern | Price: 975 | /buy lowpoisonwyvern |
Level 200 Rock Drake | Price: 1000 | /buy lowrockdrake |
Level 200 Voidwyrm | Price: 1100 | /buy lowvoidwyrm |
Level 200 Zombie Fire Wyvern | Price: 1100 | /buy lowzombiefirewyvern |
Level 200 Zombie Lightning Wyvern | Price: 1100 | /buy lowzombielightningwyvern |
Level 200 Zombie Poison Wyvern | Price: 1100 | /buy lowzombiepoisonwyvern |
Level 225 Aberrant Dung Beetle | Price: 100 | /buy lowdungbeetle |
Level 225 Aberrant Megalosaurus | Price: 325 | /buy lowmegalos |
Level 225 Aberrant Paraceratherium | Price: 600 | /buy lowpara |
Level 225 Aberrant Parasaur | Price: 150 | /buy lowparasaur |
Level 225 Amargasaurus | Price: 975 | /buy lowamarga |
Level 225 Andrewsarchus | Price: 1200 | /buy lowandrew |
Level 225 Anglerfish | Price: 300 | /buy lowangler |
Level 225 Ankylosaurus | Price: 250 | /buy lowanky |
Level 225 Argentavis | Price: 250 | /buy lowargi |
Level 225 Arthropluera | Price: 300 | /buy lowarthro |
Level 225 Astrodelphis | Price: 2000 | /buy lowastro |
Level 225 Basilisk | Price: 1000 | /buy lowbasilisk |
Level 225 Basilosaurus | Price: 350 | /buy lowbasilo |
Level 225 Beelzebufo | Price: 300 | /buy lowbeelzebufo |
Level 225 Bloodstalker | Price: 975 | /buy lowbloodstalker |
Level 225 Bulbdog | Price: 100 | /buy lowbulbdog |
Level 225 Carbonemys | Price: 175 | /buy lowcarbo |
Level 225 Carcharodontosaurus | Price: 2500 | /buy lowcarchar |
Level 225 Carnotaurus | Price: 250 | /buy lowcarno |
Level 225 Castoroides | Price: 250 | /buy lowcasto |
Level 225 Crystal Wyvern (Blood) | Price: 1000 | /buy lowbloodwyvern |
Level 225 Crystal Wyvern (Ember) | Price: 1000 | /buy lowemberwyvern |
Level 225 Crystal Wyvern (Tropical) | Price: 1000 | /buy lowtropicalwyvern |
Level 225 Daeodon | Price: 150 | /buy lowdaeodon |
Level 225 Deinonychus | Price: 400 | /buy lowdeinonychus |
Level 225 Desmodus | Price: 1200 | /buy lowdesmodus |
Level 225 Dinopithecus | Price: 975 | /buy lowdinopit |
Level 225 Direbear | Price: 250 | /buy lowdirebear |
Level 225 Doedicurus | Price: 250 | /buy lowdoed |
Level 225 Ferox | Price: 1400 | /buy lowferox |
Level 225 Fjordhawk | Price: 1200 | /buy lowfjordhawk |
Level 225 Gacha | Price: 600 | /buy lowgacha |
Level 225 Gasbag | Price: 400 | /buy lowgasbag |
Level 225 Griffin | Price: 460 | /buy lowgriffin |
Level 225 Ichthyosaurus | Price: 200 | /buy lowichthy |
Level 225 Karkinos | Price: 800 | /buy lowkark |
Level 225 Maewing | Price: 400 | /buy lowmaewing |
Level 225 Mammoth | Price: 250 | /buy lowmammoth |
Level 225 Mantis | Price: 400 | /buy lowmantis |
Level 225 Megalodon | Price: 350 | /buy lowmegalodon |
Level 225 Megatherium | Price: 500 | /buy lowmega |
Level 225 Ovis | Price: 250 | /buy lowsheep |
Level 225 Procoptodon | Price: 175 | /buy lowproco |
Level 225 Pteranodon | Price: 200 | /buy lowptera |
Level 225 Quetzalcoatlus | Price: 975 | /buy lowquetz |
Level 225 R-Carbonemys | Price: 225 | /buy lowrcarbo |
Level 225 R-Quetzalcoatlus | Price: 1000 | /buy lowrquetz |
Level 225 R-Velonasaur | Price: 600 | /buy lowrvelonasaur |
Level 225 Ravager | Price: 250 | /buy lowravager |
Level 225 Reaper King | Price: 1000 | /buy lowreaper |
Level 225 Rex | Price: 500 | /buy lowrex |
Level 225 Rock Elemental | Price: 1000 | /buy lowrockelemental |
Level 225 Roll Rat | Price: 250 | /buy lowrollrat |
Level 225 Shadowmane | Price: 975 | /buy lowshadowmane |
Level 225 Sinomacrops | Price: 975 | /buy lowsino |
Level 225 Snail | Price: 300 | /buy lowsnail |
Level 225 Snow Owl | Price: 600 | /buy lowsnowowl |
Level 225 Spinosaur | Price: 500 | /buy lowspino |
Level 225 Stego | Price: 175 | /buy lowstego |
Level 225 Stryder (Farm Mods) | Price: 50000 | /buy lowfarmstryder |
Level 225 Stryder (Random Mod) | Price: 5000 | /buy lowstryder |
Level 225 Terror Bird | Price: 250 | /buy lowterrorbird |
Level 225 Therizinosaur | Price: 400 | /buy lowtheri |
Level 225 Thylacoleo | Price: 250 | /buy lowthyla |
Level 225 Triceratops | Price: 175 | /buy lowtrike |
Level 225 Troodon | Price: 750 | /buy lowtroodon |
Level 225 Tropeognathus | Price: 1000 | /buy lowtropeognathus |
Level 225 Tusoteuthis | Price: 500 | /buy lowtuso |
Level 225 Velonasaur | Price: 500 | /buy lowvelonasaur |
Level 225 Woolly Rhino | Price: 250 | /buy lowrhino |
Level 225 X-Mosasaurus | Price: 600 | /buy lowmosa |
Level 225 X-Tapejara | Price: 300 | /buy lowxtape |
Level 225 Yutyrannus | Price: 500 | /buy lowyuty |
Level 270 Tek Parasaur | Price: 200 | /buy lowtekparasaur |
Level 270 Tek Quetzalcoatlus | Price: 1250 | /buy lowtekquetz |
Level 270 Tek Rex | Price: 600 | /buy lowtekrex |
Level 270 Tek Stego | Price: 225 | /buy lowtekstego |
Level 300 Deinonychus | Price: 1400 | /buy breeddeinonychus |
Level 375 Reaper King | Price: 2000 | /buy reaper |
Level 380 Fire Wyvern | Price: 3400 | /buy breedfirewyvern |
Level 380 Ice Wyvern | Price: 3400 | /buy breedicewyvern |
Level 380 Lightning Wyvern | Price: 3400 | /buy breedlightningwyvern |
Level 380 Magmasaur | Price: 4000 | /buy breedmagmasaur |
Level 380 Poison Wyvern | Price: 3400 | /buy breedpoisonwyvern |
Level 380 Rock Drake | Price: 3800 | /buy breedrockdrake |
Level 380 Voidwyrm | Price: 6000 | /buy breedvoidwyrm |
Level 380 Zombie Lightning Wyvern | Price: 4000 | /buy breedzombielightningwyvern |
Level 380 Zombie Poison Wyvern | Price: 4000 | /buy breedzombiepoisonwyvern |
Level 449 Aberrant Dung Beetle | Price: 200 | /buy dungbeetle |
Level 449 Aberrant Megalosaurus | Price: 1500 | /buy breedmegalos |
Level 449 Aberrant Paraceratherium | Price: 1700 | /buy breedpara |
Level 449 Aberrant Parasaur | Price: 600 | /buy breedparasaur |
Level 449 Amargasaurus | Price: 4000 | /buy breedamarga |
Level 449 Andrewsarchus | Price: 6000 | /buy breedandrew |
Level 449 Anglerfish | Price: 1200 | /buy breedangler |
Level 449 Ankylosaurus | Price: 1000 | /buy breedanky |
Level 449 Argentavis | Price: 1000 | /buy breedargi |
Level 449 Arthropluera | Price: 1200 | /buy breedarthro |
Level 449 Astrodelphis | Price: 9000 | /buy breedastro |
Level 449 Basilisk | Price: 2000 | /buy basilisk |
Level 449 Basilosaurus | Price: 1200 | /buy breedbasilo |
Level 449 Beelzebufo | Price: 1200 | /buy breedbeelzebufo |
Level 449 Bloodstalker | Price: 3000 | /buy breedbloodstalker |
Level 449 Bulbdog | Price: 400 | /buy breedbulbdog |
Level 449 Carbonemys | Price: 1000 | /buy breedcarbo |
Level 449 Carcharodontosaurus | Price: 8500 | /buy breedcarchar |
Level 449 Carnotaurus | Price: 1000 | /buy breedcarno |
Level 449 Castoroides | Price: 1000 | /buy breedcasto |
Level 449 Crystal Wyvern (Blood) | Price: 4000 | /buy breedbloodwyvern |
Level 449 Crystal Wyvern (Ember) | Price: 4000 | /buy breedemberwyvern |
Level 449 Crystal Wyvern (Tropical) | Price: 4000 | /buy breedtropicalwyvern |
Level 449 Daeodon | Price: 900 | /buy breeddaeodon |
Level 449 Desmodus | Price: 6000 | /buy breeddesmodus |
Level 449 Dinopithecus | Price: 4000 | /buy breeddinopit |
Level 449 Direbear | Price: 1000 | /buy breeddirebear |
Level 449 Doedicurus | Price: 1000 | /buy breeddoed |
Level 449 Ferox | Price: 4000 | /buy breedferox |
Level 449 Fjordhawk | Price: 6000 | /buy breedfjordhawk |
Level 449 Gacha | Price: 1940 | /buy breedgacha |
Level 449 Gasbag | Price: 1300 | /buy breedgasbag |
Level 449 Giganotosaurus | Price: 7500 | /buy breedgiga |
Level 449 Griffin | Price: 975 | /buy griffin |
Level 449 Ichthyosaurus | Price: 800 | /buy breedichthy |
Level 449 Karkinos | Price: 1600 | /buy kark |
Level 449 Maewing | Price: 1800 | /buy breedmaewing |
Level 449 Mammoth | Price: 1000 | /buy breedmammoth |
Level 449 Managarmr | Price: 4000 | /buy breedmanagarmr |
Level 449 Mantis | Price: 1600 | /buy breedmantis |
Level 449 Megalodon | Price: 1200 | /buy breedmegalodon |
Level 449 Megatherium | Price: 2000 | /buy breedmega |
Level 449 Noglin | Price: 800000 | /buy breednoglin |
Level 449 Ovis | Price: 1000 | /buy breedsheep |
Level 449 Procoptodon | Price: 1000 | /buy breedproco |
Level 449 Pteranodon | Price: 800 | /buy breedptera |
Level 449 Quetzalcoatlus | Price: 3000 | /buy breedquetz |
Level 449 R-Carbonemys | Price: 1275 | /buy breedrcarbo |
Level 449 R-Giganotosaurus | Price: 8500 | /buy breedrgiga |
Level 449 R-Quetzalcoatlus | Price: 4000 | /buy breedrquetz |
Level 449 R-Velonasaur | Price: 2000 | /buy breedrvelonasaur |
Level 449 Ravager | Price: 1000 | /buy breedravager |
Level 449 Rex | Price: 2000 | /buy breedrex |
Level 449 Roll Rat | Price: 1000 | /buy breedrollrat |
Level 449 Shadowmane | Price: 4000 | /buy breedshadowmane |
Level 449 Sinomacrops | Price: 4000 | /buy breedsino |
Level 449 Snail | Price: 1000 | /buy breedsnail |
Level 449 Snow Owl | Price: 1700 | /buy breedsnowowl |
Level 449 Spinosaur | Price: 2000 | /buy breedspino |
Level 449 Stego | Price: 1000 | /buy breedstego |
Level 449 Stryder (Farm Mods) | Price: 100000 | /buy farmstryder |
Level 449 Stryder (Random Mod) | Price: 10000 | /buy stryder |
Level 449 Terror Bird | Price: 1000 | /buy breedterrorbird |
Level 449 Therizinosaur | Price: 1600 | /buy breedtheri |
Level 449 Thylacoleo | Price: 1000 | /buy breedthyla |
Level 449 Triceratops | Price: 1000 | /buy breedtrike |
Level 449 Troodon | Price: 3000 | /buy breedtroodon |
Level 449 Tropeognathus | Price: 5000 | /buy breedtropeognathus |
Level 449 Tusoteuthis | Price: 2000 | /buy breedtuso |
Level 449 Velonasaur | Price: 1600 | /buy breedvelonasaur |
Level 449 Woolly Rhino | Price: 1000 | /buy breedrhino |
Level 449 X-Mosasaurus | Price: 2400 | /buy breedmosa |
Level 449 X-Tapejara | Price: 1200 | /buy breedxtape |
Level 449 Yutyrannus | Price: 2000 | /buy breedyuty |
Level 5 Aberrant Dung Beetle | Price: 25 | /buy verylowdungbeetle |
Level 5 Aberrant Megalosaurus | Price: 75 | /buy verylowmegalos |
Level 5 Aberrant Paraceratherium | Price: 120 | /buy verylowpara |
Level 5 Aberrant Parasaur | Price: 25 | /buy verylowparasaur |
Level 5 Amargasaurus | Price: 300 | /buy verylowamarga |
Level 5 Andrewsarchus | Price: 500 | /buy verylowandrew |
Level 5 Anglerfish | Price: 75 | /buy verylowangler |
Level 5 Ankylosaurus | Price: 50 | /buy verylowanky |
Level 5 Argentavis | Price: 75 | /buy verylowargi |
Level 5 Arthropluera | Price: 100 | /buy verylowarthro |
Level 5 Astrodelphis | Price: 600 | /buy verylowastro |
Level 5 Basilisk | Price: 200 | /buy verylowbasilisk |
Level 5 Basilosaurus | Price: 75 | /buy verylowbasilo |
Level 5 Beelzebufo | Price: 50 | /buy verylowbeelzebufo |
Level 5 Bloodstalker | Price: 250 | /buy verylowbloodstalker |
Level 5 Bulbdog | Price: 25 | /buy verylowbulbdog |
Level 5 Carbonemys | Price: 50 | /buy verylowcarbo |
Level 5 Carcharodontosaurus | Price: 900 | /buy verylowcarchar |
Level 5 Carnotaurus | Price: 50 | /buy verylowcarno |
Level 5 Castoroides | Price: 50 | /buy verylowcasto |
Level 5 Daeodon | Price: 50 | /buy verylowdaeodon |
Level 5 Deinonychus | Price: 75 | /buy verylowdeinonychus |
Level 5 Desmodus | Price: 500 | /buy verylowdesmodus |
Level 5 Dinopithecus | Price: 300 | /buy verylowdinopit |
Level 5 Direbear | Price: 50 | /buy verylowdirebear |
Level 5 Doedicurus | Price: 50 | /buy verylowdoed |
Level 5 Ferox | Price: 250 | /buy verylowferox |
Level 5 Fjordhawk | Price: 300 | /buy verylowfjordhawk |
Level 5 Gacha | Price: 200 | /buy verylowgacha |
Level 5 Gasbag | Price: 75 | /buy verylowgasbag |
Level 5 Giganotosaurus | Price: 800 | /buy verylowgiga |
Level 5 Griffin | Price: 100 | /buy verylowgriffin |
Level 5 Ichthyosaurus | Price: 25 | /buy verylowichthy |
Level 5 Karkinos | Price: 75 | /buy verylowkark |
Level 5 Maewing | Price: 75 | /buy verylowmaewing |
Level 5 Magmasaur | Price: 250 | /buy verylowmagmasaur |
Level 5 Mammoth | Price: 50 | /buy verylowmammoth |
Level 5 Managarmr | Price: 250 | /buy verylowmanagarmr |
Level 5 Mantis | Price: 75 | /buy verylowmantis |
Level 5 Megalodon | Price: 75 | /buy verylowmegalodon |
Level 5 Megatherium | Price: 50 | /buy verylowmega |
Level 5 Ovis | Price: 50 | /buy verylowsheep |
Level 5 Procoptodon | Price: 50 | /buy verylowproco |
Level 5 Pteranodon | Price: 50 | /buy verylowptera |
Level 5 Quetzalcoatlus | Price: 250 | /buy verylowquetz |
Level 5 R-Carbonemys | Price: 75 | /buy verylowrcarbo |
Level 5 R-Giganotosaurus | Price: 900 | /buy verylowrgiga |
Level 5 R-Quetzalcoatlus | Price: 275 | /buy verylowrquetz |
Level 5 R-Velonasaur | Price: 100 | /buy verylowrvelonasaur |
Level 5 Ravager | Price: 50 | /buy verylowravager |
Level 5 Reaper King | Price: 200 | /buy verylowreaper |
Level 5 Rex | Price: 75 | /buy verylowrex |
Level 5 Rock Drake | Price: 200 | /buy verylowrockdrake |
Level 5 Rock Elemental | Price: 250 | /buy verylowrockelemental |
Level 5 Roll Rat | Price: 50 | /buy verylowrollrat |
Level 5 Shadowmane | Price: 300 | /buy verylowshadowmane |
Level 5 Sinomacrops | Price: 300 | /buy verylowsino |
Level 5 Snail | Price: 100 | /buy verylowsnail |
Level 5 Snow Owl | Price: 100 | /buy verylowsnowowl |
Level 5 Spinosaur | Price: 75 | /buy verylowspino |
Level 5 Stego | Price: 50 | /buy verylowstego |
Level 5 Stryder (Farm Mods) | Price: 7000 | /buy verylowfarmstryder |
Level 5 Stryder (Random Mod) | Price: 700 | /buy verylowstryder |
Level 5 Terror Bird | Price: 50 | /buy verylowterrorbird |
Level 5 Therizinosaur | Price: 75 | /buy verylowtheri |
Level 5 Thylacoleo | Price: 50 | /buy verylowthyla |
Level 5 Triceratops | Price: 50 | /buy verylowtrike |
Level 5 Troodon | Price: 250 | /buy verylowtroodon |
Level 5 Tropeognathus | Price: 250 | /buy verylowtropeognathus |
Level 5 Tusoteuthis | Price: 50 | /buy verylowtuso |
Level 5 Velonasaur | Price: 75 | /buy verylowvelonasaur |
Level 5 Voidwyrm | Price: 350 | /buy verylowvoidwyrm |
Level 5 Woolly Rhino | Price: 50 | /buy verylowrhino |
Level 5 X-Mosasaurus | Price: 75 | /buy verylowmosa |
Level 5 X-Tapejara | Price: 100 | /buy verylowxtape |
Level 5 Yutyrannus | Price: 75 | /buy verylowyuty |
Level 538 Tek Parasaur | Price: 1000 | /buy breedtekparasaur |
Level 538 Tek Quetzalcoatlus | Price: 4400 | /buy breedtekquetz |
Level 538 Tek Rex | Price: 3000 | /buy breedtekrex |
Level 538 Tek Stego | Price: 1500 | /buy breedtekstego |
Level 6 Tek Parasaur | Price: 30 | /buy verylowtekparasaur |
Level 6 Tek Quetzalcoatlus | Price: 300 | /buy verylowtekquetz |
Level 6 Tek Rex | Price: 75 | /buy verylowtekrex |
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Empty Cryopod | Price: 60 | /buy cryopod |
Empty Soul trap | Price: 30 | /buy soultrap |
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Epic Chainsaw | Price: 240 | /buy epicchainsaw |
Epic Chainsaw Blueprint | Price: 600 | /buy bp_epicchainsaw |
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Epic Compound Bow Blueprint | Price: 1200 | /buy bp_epiccompbow |
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Epic Fast Flak & Shotgun PVP Kit | Price: 1500 | /buy epicfastflakshot |
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Epic Fishing Rod Blueprint | Price: 1200 | /buy bp_epicfishingrod |
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Epic Flak Armor set | Price: 575 | /buy epicflakarmor |
Epic Flak Armor set Blueprint kit | Price: 1750 | /buy bp_epicflakarmor |
Epic Flamethrower | Price: 460 | /buy epicflamethrower |
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Epic Fur Armor set Blueprint kit | Price: 2000 | /buy bp_epicfurarmor |
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Epic Ghillie Armor set Blueprint kit | Price: 1750 | /buy bp_epicghilliearmor |
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Epic Hazard suit Blueprint kit | Price: 2000 | /buy bp_epichazardsuit |
Epic Hide Armor Blueprint kit | Price: 850 | /buy bp_epichidearmor |
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Epic Longneck Rifle Blueprint | Price: 1000 | /buy bp_epiclongneck |
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Epic Riot Armor set Blueprint kit | Price: 2000 | /buy bp_epicriotarmor |
Epic Scuba suit | Price: 600 | /buy epicscubasuit |
Epic Scuba suit Blueprint kit | Price: 950 | /buy bp_epicscubasuit |
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Epic Shotgun Blueprint | Price: 1000 | /buy bp_epicshotgun |
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Epic Tek Armor set Blueprint kit | Price: 5000 | /buy bp_epictekarmor |
Epic Tek Bow *Requires Tek Engrames first* | Price: 5000 | /buy epictekbow |
Epic Tek Bow Blueprint *Requires Tek Engrames first* | Price: 10000 | /buy bp_epictekbow |
Epic Tek Rifle *Requires Tek Engrames first* | Price: 3000 | /buy epictekrifle |
Epic Tek Rifle *Requires Tek Engrames first* | Price: 5500 | /buy bp_epictekrifle |
Epic Tek Sword *Requires Tek Engrames first* | Price: 3000 | /buy epicteksword |
Epic Tek Sword Blueprint *Requires Tek Engrames first* | Price: 5500 | /buy bp_epicteksword |
Epic Tools | Price: 420 | /buy epictools |
Epic Tools Blueprint kit | Price: 750 | /buy bp_epictools |
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Good Assault Rifle Blueprint | Price: 750 | /buy bp_assaultrifle |
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Good Compound Bow Blueprint | Price: 860 | /buy bp_compbow |
Good Crossbow | Price: 200 | /buy crossbow |
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Good Fast Flak & Shotgun PVP Kit | Price: 850 | /buy fastflakshot |
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Good Fishing Rod Blueprint | Price: 180 | /buy bp_fishingrod |
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Good Flak Armor set | Price: 230 | /buy flakarmor |
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Good Fur Armor set Blueprint kit | Price: 950 | /buy bp_furarmor |
Good Gas mask | Price: 240 | /buy gasmask |
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Good Ghillie Armor set Blueprint kit | Price: 850 | /buy bp_ghilliearmor |
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Good Hazard suit Blueprint kit | Price: 1200 | /buy bp_hazardsuit |
Good Hide Armor Blueprint kit | Price: 575 | /buy bp_hidearmor |
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Good Longneck Rifle Blueprint | Price: 750 | /buy bp_longneck |
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Good Riot Armor set | Price: 275 | /buy riotarmor |
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Good Tek Bow Blueprint *Requires Tek Engrames first* | Price: 7000 | /buy bp_tekbow |
Good Tek Rifle *Requires Tek Engrames first* | Price: 1450 | /buy tekrifle |
Good Tek Rifle Blueprint *Requires Tek Engrames first* | Price: 3000 | /buy bp_tekrifle |
Good Tek Sword *Requires Tek Engrames first* | Price: 1450 | /buy teksword |
Good Tek Sword Blueprint *Requires Tek Engrames first* | Price: 3000 | /buy bp_teksword |
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Good Tools Blueprint kit | Price: 500 | /buy bp_tools |
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Legendary Chainsaw Blueprint | Price: 850 | /buy bp_legenchainsaw |
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Legendary Compound Bow Blueprint | Price: 2700 | /buy bp_legencompbow |
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Legendary Fabricated Sniper Rifle Blueprint | Price: 3500 | /buy bp_legensniper |
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Legendary Fast Flak & Shotgun PVP Kit | Price: 2500 | /buy legenfastflakshot |
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Legendary Flak Armor set | Price: 1150 | /buy legenflakarmor |
Legendary Flak Armor set Blueprint kit | Price: 3500 | /buy bp_legenflakarmor |
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Legendary Flamethrower Blueprint | Price: 2000 | /buy bp_legenflamethrower |
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Legendary Fur Armor set Blueprint kit | Price: 4000 | /buy bp_legenfurarmor |
Legendary Gas mask | Price: 800 | /buy legengasmask |
Legendary Gas mask Blueprint | Price: 1200 | /buy bp_legengasmask |
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Legendary Ghillie Armor set Blueprint kit | Price: 3500 | /buy bp_legenghilliearmor |
Legendary Harpoon Gun | Price: 900 | /buy legenharpoon |
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Legendary Hazard suit Blueprint kit | Price: 4000 | /buy bp_legenhazardsuit |
Legendary Hide Armor set Blueprint kit | Price: 1700 | /buy bp_legenhidearmor |
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Legendary Longneck Rifle Blueprint | Price: 1000 | /buy bp_legenlongneck |
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Legendary Riot Armor set Blueprint kit | Price: 3750 | /buy bp_legenriotarmor |
Legendary Scuba suit | Price: 1200 | /buy legenscubasuit |
Legendary Scuba suit Blueprint kit | Price: 1900 | /buy bp_legenscubasuit |
Legendary Shotgun | Price: 920 | /buy legenshotgun |
Legendary Shotgun Blueprint | Price: 2000 | /buy bp_legenshotgun |
Legendary Tek Armor set | Price: 4500 | /buy legentekarmor |
Legendary Tek Armor set Blueprint kit | Price: 10000 | /buy bp_legentekarmor |
Legendary Tek Bow *Requires Tek Engrames first* | Price: 7000 | /buy legentekbow |
Legendary Tek Bow Blueprint *Requires Tek Engrames first* | Price: 15000 | /buy bp_legentekbow |
Legendary Tek Rifle *Requires Tek Engrames first* | Price: 5500 | /buy legentekrifle |
Legendary Tek Rifle Blueprint *Requires Tek Engrames first* | Price: 10000 | /buy bp_legentekrifle |
Legendary Tek Sword *Requires Tek Engrames first* | Price: 5500 | /buy legenteksword |
Legendary Tek Sword Blueprint *Requires Tek Engrames first* | Price: 10000 | /buy bp_legenteksword |
Legendary Tools | Price: 840 | /buy legentools |
Legendary Tools Blueprint kit | Price: 1500 | /buy bp_legentools |
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Legendary Whip Blueprint | Price: 850 | /buy bp_legenwhip |
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Legendary Wooden Club Blueprint | Price: 1000 | /buy bp_legenclub |
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Raft | Price: 75 | /buy raft |
Simple bed | Price: 15 | /buy bed |
Sleeping Bag | Price: 15 | /buy sleepingbag |
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SS Heavy turret Pack (10x) | Price: 1200 | /buy hturretpak10 |
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VIP starter kit (449 Griffin and gear) | Price: 850 Free: 3 | /buykit vipstarter /kit vipstarter |
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