Shop command list: [ASA] PvP FiberCraft 1000x
Artifact Of The Brute x1 | Price: 100 | /buy artifact_brute |
Artifact Of The Clever x1 | Price: 100 | /buy artifact_clever |
Artifact Of The Cunning x1 | Price: 100 | /buy artifact_cunning |
Artifact Of The Devourer x1 | Price: 100 | /buy artifact_devourer |
Artifact Of The Hunter x1 | Price: 100 | /buy artifact_hunter |
Artifact Of The Immune x1 | Price: 100 | /buy artifact_immune |
Artifact Of The Massive x1 | Price: 100 | /buy artifact_massive |
Artifact Of The Pack x1 | Price: 100 | /buy artifact_pack |
Artifact Of The Skylord x1 | Price: 100 | /buy artifact_skylord |
Artifact Of The Strong x1 | Price: 100 | /buy artifact_strong |
Cooked Meat (200x) | Price: 15 | /buy food |
Filled Canteen | Price: 15 | /buy water |
Medical brew (10x) | Price: 100 | /buy medbrew |
Mindwipe Tonic | Price: 30 | /buy mindwipe |
Narcotic (100x) | Price: 15 | /buy narcotic100 |
Stimulant (100x) | Price: 15 | /buy stimulant100 |
Mindwipe pack | Price: 0 Free: 2 | /kit mindpack |
Dinos (Neutered)
Neutered Level 449 Anglerfish | Price: 449 | /buy angler |
Neutered Level 449 Ankylosaurus | Price: 449 | /buy anky |
Neutered Level 449 Argentavis | Price: 449 | /buy argi |
Neutered Level 449 Arthropluera | Price: 449 | /buy arthro |
Neutered Level 449 Baryonyx | Price: 449 | /buy bary |
Neutered Level 449 Basilosaurus | Price: 449 | /buy basilo |
Neutered Level 449 Beelzebufo | Price: 449 | /buy beelzebufo |
Neutered Level 449 Carbonemys | Price: 449 | /buy carbo |
Neutered Level 449 Carcharodontosaurus | Price: 4490 | /buy carchar |
Neutered Level 449 Carnotaurus | Price: 449 | /buy carno |
Neutered Level 449 Castoroides | Price: 449 | /buy casto |
Neutered Level 449 Daeodon | Price: 449 | /buy daeodon |
Neutered Level 449 Direbear | Price: 449 | /buy direbear |
Neutered Level 449 Doedicurus | Price: 449 | /buy doed |
Neutered Level 449 Giganotosaurus | Price: 2245 | /buy giga |
Neutered Level 449 Ichthyosaurus | Price: 449 | /buy ichthy |
Neutered Level 449 Mammoth | Price: 449 | /buy mammoth |
Neutered Level 449 Megalodon | Price: 449 | /buy megalodon |
Neutered Level 449 Megatherium | Price: 449 | /buy mega |
Neutered Level 449 Mosasaurus | Price: 449 | /buy mosa |
Neutered Level 449 Oviraptor | Price: 449 | /buy oviraptor |
Neutered Level 449 Pegomastax | Price: 446 | /buy pego |
Neutered Level 449 Procoptodon | Price: 449 | /buy proco |
Neutered Level 449 Pteranodon | Price: 449 | /buy ptera |
Neutered Level 449 Purlovia | Price: 446 | /buy purlovia |
Neutered Level 449 Quetzalcoatlus | Price: 449 | /buy quetz |
Neutered Level 449 Rex | Price: 449 | /buy rex |
Neutered Level 449 Sheep (Ovis) | Price: 449 | /buy sheep |
Neutered Level 449 Snail | Price: 449 | /buy snail |
Neutered Level 449 Spinosaur | Price: 449 | /buy spino |
Neutered Level 449 Stego | Price: 449 | /buy stego |
Neutered Level 449 Tapejara | Price: 449 | /buy tape |
Neutered Level 449 Terror Bird | Price: 449 | /buy terrorbird |
Neutered Level 449 Therizinosaur | Price: 449 | /buy theri |
Neutered Level 449 Thylacoleo | Price: 449 | /buy thyla |
Neutered Level 449 Triceratops | Price: 449 | /buy trike |
Neutered Level 449 Troodon | Price: 446 | /buy troodon |
Neutered Level 449 Tusoteuthis | Price: 449 | /buy tuso |
Neutered Level 449 Woolly Rhino | Price: 449 | /buy rhino |
Neutered Level 449 Yutyrannus | Price: 449 | /buy yuty |
Neutered Level 538 Tek Quetzalcoatlus | Price: 538 | /buy tekquetz |
Dinos (UnNeutered)
Level 449 Anglerfish | Price: 649 | /buy breedangler |
Level 449 Ankylosaurus | Price: 649 | /buy breedanky |
Level 449 Argentavis | Price: 649 | /buy breedargi |
Level 449 Arthropluera | Price: 649 | /buy breedarthro |
Level 449 Baryonyx | Price: 649 | /buy breedbary |
Level 449 Basilosaurus | Price: 649 | /buy breedbasilo |
Level 449 Beelzebufo | Price: 649 | /buy breedbeelzebufo |
Level 449 Carbonemys | Price: 649 | /buy breedcarbo |
Level 449 Carcharodontosaurus | Price: 6490 | /buy breedcarchar |
Level 449 Carnotaurus | Price: 649 | /buy breedcarno |
Level 449 Castoroides | Price: 649 | /buy breedcasto |
Level 449 Daeodon | Price: 649 | /buy breeddaeodon |
Level 449 Direbear | Price: 649 | /buy breeddirebear |
Level 449 Doedicurus | Price: 649 | /buy breeddoed |
Level 449 Giganotosaurus | Price: 3245 | /buy breedgiga |
Level 449 Ichthyosaurus | Price: 649 | /buy breedichthy |
Level 449 Mammoth | Price: 649 | /buy breedmammoth |
Level 449 Megalodon | Price: 649 | /buy breedmegalodon |
Level 449 Megatherium | Price: 649 | /buy breedmega |
Level 449 Mosasaurus | Price: 649 | /buy breedmosa |
Level 449 Oviraptor | Price: 649 | /buy breedoviraptor |
Level 449 Pegomastax | Price: 649 | /buy breedpego |
Level 449 Procoptodon | Price: 649 | /buy breedproco |
Level 449 Pteranodon | Price: 649 | /buy breedptera |
Level 449 Purlovia | Price: 649 | /buy breedpurlovia |
Level 449 Quetzalcoatlus | Price: 649 | /buy breedquetz |
Level 449 Rex | Price: 649 | /buy breedrex |
Level 449 Sheep (Ovis) | Price: 649 | /buy breedsheep |
Level 449 Snail | Price: 649 | /buy breedsnail |
Level 449 Spinosaur | Price: 649 | /buy breedspino |
Level 449 Stego | Price: 649 | /buy breedstego |
Level 449 Tapejara | Price: 649 | /buy breedtape |
Level 449 Terror Bird | Price: 649 | /buy breedterrorbird |
Level 449 Therizinosaur | Price: 649 | /buy breedtheri |
Level 449 Thylacoleo | Price: 649 | /buy breedthyla |
Level 449 Triceratops | Price: 649 | /buy breedtrike |
Level 449 Troodon | Price: 649 | /buy breedtroodon |
Level 449 Tusoteuthis | Price: 649 | /buy breedtuso |
Level 449 Woolly Rhino | Price: 649 | /buy breedrhino |
Level 449 Yutyrannus | Price: 649 | /buy breedyuty |
Level 5 Anglerfish | Price: 5 | /buy verylowangler |
Level 5 Ankylosaurus | Price: 5 | /buy verylowanky |
Level 5 Argentavis | Price: 5 | /buy verylowargi |
Level 5 Arthropluera | Price: 5 | /buy verylowarthro |
Level 5 Baryonyx | Price: 5 | /buy verylowbary |
Level 5 Basilosaurus | Price: 5 | /buy verylowbasilo |
Level 5 Beelzebufo | Price: 5 | /buy verylowbeelzebufo |
Level 5 Carbonemys | Price: 5 | /buy verylowcarbo |
Level 5 Carcharodontosaurus | Price: 50 | /buy verylowcarchar |
Level 5 Carnotaurus | Price: 5 | /buy verylowcarno |
Level 5 Castoroides | Price: 5 | /buy verylowcasto |
Level 5 Daeodon | Price: 5 | /buy verylowdaeodon |
Level 5 Direbear | Price: 5 | /buy verylowdirebear |
Level 5 Doedicurus | Price: 5 | /buy verylowdoed |
Level 5 Giganotosaurus | Price: 25 | /buy verylowgiga |
Level 5 Ichthyosaurus | Price: 5 | /buy verylowichthy |
Level 5 Mammoth | Price: 5 | /buy verylowmammoth |
Level 5 Megalodon | Price: 5 | /buy verylowmegalodon |
Level 5 Megatherium | Price: 5 | /buy verylowmega |
Level 5 Mosasaurus | Price: 5 | /buy verylowmosa |
Level 5 Oviraptor | Price: 5 | /buy verylowoviraptor |
Level 5 Pegomastax | Price: 5 | /buy verylowpego |
Level 5 Procoptodon | Price: 5 | /buy verylowproco |
Level 5 Pteranodon | Price: 5 | /buy verylowptera |
Level 5 Purlovia | Price: 5 | /buy verylowpurlovia |
Level 5 Quetzalcoatlus | Price: 5 | /buy verylowquetz |
Level 5 Rex | Price: 5 | /buy verylowrex |
Level 5 Sheep (Ovis) | Price: 5 | /buy verylowsheep |
Level 5 Snail | Price: 5 | /buy verylowsnail |
Level 5 Spinosaur | Price: 5 | /buy verylowspino |
Level 5 Stego | Price: 5 | /buy verylowstego |
Level 5 Tapejara | Price: 5 | /buy verylowtape |
Level 5 Terror Bird | Price: 5 | /buy verylowterrorbird |
Level 5 Therizinosaur | Price: 5 | /buy verylowtheri |
Level 5 Thylacoleo | Price: 5 | /buy verylowthyla |
Level 5 Triceratops | Price: 5 | /buy verylowtrike |
Level 5 Troodon | Price: 5 | /buy verylowtroodon |
Level 5 Tusoteuthis | Price: 5 | /buy verylowtuso |
Level 5 Woolly Rhino | Price: 5 | /buy verylowrhino |
Level 5 Yutyrannus | Price: 5 | /buy verylowyuty |
Level 538 Tek Quetzalcoatlus | Price: 738 | /buy breedtekquetz |
Level 6 Tek Quetzalcoatlus | Price: 6 | /buy verylowtekquetz |
Legendary Assault Rifle | Price: 300 | /buy assaultrifle |
Legendary Assault Rifle Blueprint | Price: 650 | /buy bp_assaultrifle |
Legendary Compound Bow | Price: 325 | /buy compbow |
Legendary Compound Bow Blueprint | Price: 900 | /buy bp_compbow |
Legendary Crossbow | Price: 325 | /buy crossbow |
Legendary Crossbow Blueprint | Price: 300 | /buy bp_crossbow |
Legendary Fabricated Sniper Rifle | Price: 600 | /buy sniper |
Legendary Fabricated Sniper Rifle Blueprint | Price: 1150 | /buy bp_sniper |
Legendary Fishing Rod Blueprint | Price: 600 | /buy bp_fishingrod |
Legendary Flak Armor (Head, Chest, Leggins, Boots, Hands) | Price: 250 | /buy hidearmor |
Legendary Flak Armor (Head, Chest, Leggins, Boots, Hands, Shield) | Price: 375 | /buy flakarmor |
Legendary Flak Armor Blueprint (Head, Chest, Leggins, Boots, Hands, Shield) | Price: 1200 | /buy bp_flakarmor |
Legendary Fur Armor (Head, Chest, Leggins, Boots, Hands) | Price: 425 | /buy furarmor |
Legendary Fur Armor Blueprint (Head, Chest, Leggins, Boots, Hands) | Price: 1325 | /buy bp_furarmor |
Legendary Gas mask Blueprint | Price: 400 | /buy bp_gasmask |
Legendary Ghillie Armor (Head, Chest, Leggins, Boots, Hands) | Price: 375 | /buy ghilliearmor |
Legendary Ghillie Armor Blueprint (Head, Chest, Leggins, Boots, Hands) | Price: 1150 | /buy bp_ghilliearmor |
Legendary Harpoon Gun | Price: 325 | /buy harpoon |
Legendary Hide Armor Blueprint (Head, Chest, Leggins, Boots, Hands) | Price: 550 | /buy bp_hidearmor |
Legendary Longneck Rifle | Price: 325 | /buy longneck |
Legendary Longneck Rifle Blueprint | Price: 325 | /buy bp_longneck |
Legendary Riot Armor (Head, Chest, Leggins, Boots, Hands, Shield) | Price: 400 | /buy riotarmor |
Legendary Riot Armor Blueprint (Head, Chest, Leggins, Boots, Hands, Shield) | Price: 1250 | /buy bp_riotarmor |
Legendary Scuba suit (Mask, Tank, Leggings, Flippers) | Price: 400 | /buy scubasuit |
Legendary Scuba suit Blueprint (Mask, Tank, Leggings, Flippers) | Price: 625 | /buy bp_scubasuit |
Legendary Shotgun | Price: 300 | /buy shotgun |
Legendary Shotgun Blueprint | Price: 675 | /buy bp_shotgun |
Legendary Tek Armor (Head, Chest, Leggins, Boots, Hands, Shield) *Require Tek Engrames first* | Price: 1500 | /buy tekarmor |
Legendary Tek Armor Blueprint (Head, Chest, Leggins, Boots, Hands, Shield) *Requires Tek Engrames first* | Price: 3250 | /buy bp_tekarmor |
Legendary Tek Rifle *Requires Tek Engrames first* | Price: 1800 | /buy tekrifle |
Legendary Tek Rifle Blueprint *Requires Tek Engrames first* | Price: 3325 | /buy bp_tekrifle |
Legendary Tek Sword *Requires Tek Engrames first* | Price: 1800 | /buy teksword |
Legendary Tek Sword Blueprint *Requires Tek Engrames first* | Price: 3325 | /buy bp_teksword |
Legendary Tools (Metal Hatchet, Metal Pick, Metal Sickle, Metal Pike) | Price: 280 | /buy tools |
Legendary Tools Blueprint (Metal Hatchet, Metal Pick, Metal Sickle, Metal Pike) | Price: 500 | /buy bp_tools |
Legendary Wooden Club | Price: 150 | /buy club |
Legendary Wooden Club Blueprint | Price: 325 | /buy bp_club |
Tek base kit | Price: 10000 | /buy tekbase |
ARK Premium 2x Monthly Points Pack | Price: 0 Free: 1 | /kit premium2x_monthly |
ARK Premium 3x Monthly Points Pack | Price: 0 Free: 1 | /kit premium3x_monthly |
ARK Premium 4x Monthly Points Pack | Price: 0 Free: 1 | /kit premium4x_monthly |
ARK Premium Monthly Points Pack | Price: 0 Free: 1 | /kit premium1x_monthly |
Basic Tek armor | Price: 250 Free: 5 | /buykit fibertekarmor /kit fibertekarmor |
Boost Discord and get points | Price: 0 Free: 1 | /kit discord_monthly_boost |
Farming pack | Price: 0 Free: 1 | /kit farmingpack |
Max Ascend (up to 275, Suicide after claiming) | Price: 0 Free: 1 | /kit alllevels |
PvP Pack (Weapons, Armor, ammo & food) | Price: 0 Free: 5 | /kit pvppack |
Raiding pack (Explosives & Gear) | Price: 0 Free: 5 | /kit raidpack |
Starter kit | Price: 0 Free: 5 | /kit fiberstarter |
Starter Points | Price: 0 Free: 1 | /kit starterpoints |
Your Daily login reward | Price: 0 Free: 1 | /kit daily_pack |
Element (1x) | Price: 1 | /buy element |
Element shard (10x) | Price: 1 | /buy elementshard |
Fertilizer (50x) | Price: 30 | /buy fert50 |
Fiber (1000x) | Price: 1 | /buy fiber |
Gasoline (2500x) | Price: 100 | /buy gasoline2500 |
Basic Platform Paraceratherium Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy paraplatsaddle |
Good Ankylosaurus Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy ankysaddle |
Good Argentavis Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy argisaddle |
Good Arthropluera Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy arthrosaddle |
Good Baryonyx Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy barysaddle |
Good Basilosaurus Saddle | Price: 40 | /buy basilosaddle |
Good Beelzebufo Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy beelzebufosaddle |
Good Carbonemys Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy carbosaddle |
Good Carcharodontosaurus Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy carcharsaddle |
Good Carnotaurus Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy carnosaddle |
Good Castoroides Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy castosaddle |
Good Daeodon Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy daeodonaddle |
Good Direbear Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy direbearsaddle |
Good Doedicurus Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy doedsaddle |
Good Giganotosaurus Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy gigasaddle |
Good Ichthyosaurus Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy ichthysaddle |
Good Mammoth Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy mammothsaddle |
Good Mantis Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy mantissaddle |
Good Megalodon Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy megalodonsaddle |
Good Megalosaurus Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy megalossaddle |
Good Megatherium Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy megasaddle |
Good Mosasaurus Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy mosasaddle |
Good Paraceratherium Saddle | Price: 30 | /buy parasaddle |
Good Parasaur Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy parasaursaddle |
Good Platform Paraceratherium Saddle | Price: 25 | /buy goodparaplatsaddle |
Good Platform Quetzalcoatlus Saddle | Price: 25 | /buy quetzplatsaddle |
Good Procoptodon Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy procoaddle |
Good Pteranodon Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy pterasaddle |
Good Quetzalcoatlus Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy quetzsaddle |
Good Rex Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy rexsaddle |
Good Spinosaur Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy spinosaddle |
Good Stego Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy stegosaddle |
Good Tapejara Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy xtapesaddle |
Good Terror Bird Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy terrorbirdsaddle |
Good Therizinosaur Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy therisaddle |
Good Thylacoleo Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy thylasaddle |
Good Triceratops Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy trikesaddle |
Good Tusoteuthis Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy tusosaddle |
Good Woolly Rhino Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy rhinosaddle |
Good Yutyrannus Saddle | Price: 20 | /buy yutysaddle |
Legendary Argentavis Saddle Blueprint | Price: 1175 | /buy bp_argisaddle |
Legendary Arthropluera Saddle Blueprint | Price: 1175 | /buy bp_arthrosaddle |
Legendary Baryonyx Saddle Blueprint | Price: 1175 | /buy bp_barysaddle |
Legendary Basilosaurus Saddle Blueprint | Price: 1350 | /buy bp_basilosaddle |
Legendary Carbonemys Saddle Blueprint | Price: 1350 | /buy bp_carbosaddle |
Legendary Carcharodontosaurus Saddle Blueprint | Price: 1350 | /buy bp_carcharsaddle |
Legendary Equus Saddle Blueprint | Price: 1175 | /buy bp_equussaddle |
Legendary Giganotosaurus Saddle Blueprint | Price: 1350 | /buy bp_gigasaddle |
Legendary Mammoth Saddle Blueprint | Price: 1175 | /buy bp_mammothsaddle |
Legendary Megalodon Tek saddle | Price: 5000 | /buy teksaddlemega |
Legendary Megalodon Tek saddle Blueprint | Price: 10000 | /buy bp_teksaddlemega |
Legendary Megatherium Saddle Blueprint | Price: 1175 | /buy bp_megatheriumsaddle |
Legendary Mosasaur Platform Saddle Blueprint | Price: 1350 | /buy bp_mosaplatsaddle |
Legendary Mosasaur Tek saddle | Price: 5000 | /buy teksaddlemosa |
Legendary Mosasaur Tek saddle Blueprint | Price: 10000 | /buy bp_teksaddlemosa |
Legendary Parasaur Saddle Blueprint | Price: 1175 | /buy bp_parasaursaddle |
Legendary Platform Paraceratherium Saddle Blueprint | Price: 1350 | /buy bp_paracerplatsaddle |
Legendary Platform Quetzalcoatlus Saddle Blueprint | Price: 1350 | /buy bp_quetzplatsaddle |
Legendary Pteranodon Saddle Blueprint | Price: 1175 | /buy bp_pterasaddle |
Legendary Rex Saddle Blueprint | Price: 1175 | /buy bp_rexsaddle |
Legendary Rex Tek saddle | Price: 5000 | /buy teksaddlerex |
Legendary Rex Tek saddle Blueprint | Price: 10000 | /buy bp_teksaddlerex |
Legendary Spinosaur Saddle Blueprint | Price: 1175 | /buy bp_spinosaddle |
Legendary Stegosaurus Saddle Blueprint | Price: 1350 | /buy bp_stegosaddle |
Legendary Tapejara Tek saddle | Price: 5000 | /buy teksaddletape |
Legendary Tapejara Tek saddle Blueprint | Price: 10000 | /buy bp_teksaddletape |
Legendary Terror Bird Saddle Blueprint | Price: 1175 | /buy bp_terrorbirdsaddle |
Legendary Therizinosaur Saddle Blueprint | Price: 1175 | /buy bp_therisaddle |
Legendary Thylacoleo Saddle Blueprint | Price: 1175 | /buy bp_thylasaddle |
Legendary Triceratops Saddle Blueprint | Price: 1350 | /buy bp_trikesaddle |
Legendary Tusoteuthis Saddle Blueprint | Price: 1350 | /buy bp_tusosaddle |
Legendary Woolly Rhino Saddle Blueprint | Price: 1175 | /buy bp_rhinosaddle |
Legendary Yutyrannus Saddle Blueprint | Price: 1175 | /buy bp_yutysaddle |
Berry seed pack (x50 each) | Price: 25 | /buy berryseedpack |
Vegetable seed pack (x50 each) | Price: 25 | /buy vegseedpack |
X seed pack (x50) | Price: 75 | /buy xseedpack |